Award Encourages New Designs for Inside Airplanes

Award Encourages New Designs for Inside Airplanes

The Crystal Cabin Award encourages to develop new products and designs for airplane cabins. Begun in 2007, 105 ideas form 21 different countries are on this year's shortlist, with many focusing on ways to make flying easier and more comfortable for travelers.

Aircraft Innovations GmbH has designed a seat that can be placed with a regular seat and inflated to make it easy for babies and young children to sit or sleep. It weights 1 Kilogram and can be inflated in less than 1 minute.

Adient Aerospace has designed a seat extension that folds out form the wall in front of the first row of seats, making the row into a small bed that family could share.

Hamburg's Heinkel Group has a design for seats that can be turned around after the planes takes off, so passengers traveling together can face one another.

Collins Aerospace also has a seat for flight attendants that can stretch out so that they can almost lie down on breaks.

students at the University of Cincinnati have suggested talking out of the middle row of seats in business class and replacing them with seats placed sideways along a long table with space for computers, like in an airport cafe or fast food restaurant. 

Irish designer Ciara Crawford has also designed a wheelchair that can fit over the airplane seat, allowing people to use the same wheelchair from check-in to arrival. The design already won a European Product Design Award in 2019.

Winners of the Crystal Cabin Award will be announced at the Airport Interior Expo in Hamberg, Germany, In March 2020.


Cabin /ˈkæbɪn/
: an area in a plane where passengers sit; a small room on a boat
-The cabin of the airplane is totally empty.
-You can have only limited amount of baggage in the cabin.
-This cabin is much more comfortable than I expected.

shortlist /ˈʃɔːrtlɪst/
: a small number of candidates from which a final choice is made
-He made the shortlist but I don't think he'll win.

inflate /ɪnˈfleɪt/
: to fill or become filled with a gas
-I need to inflate the tires on my bike.

extension /ˈstɛnʃən/
: a part added to something to make it bigger, longer, etc.
-We are adding an extension to our house.
-They're building an extension to the highway.
-I have this extension for the browser, too.

designer /dɪˈzaɪnər/
: a person who plans how something new will look or function
-She is a world-famous fashion designer


-What't the worst flight you've ever been on?
-Which of the airlines you've flown with had nicest cabin?

Lay VS Lie

Lie : to rest or recline. it doesn't require an object.
      to be in or put yourself into a flat position
      -I love to lie on a beach and read.
      -The dog was lying by the gate waiting for me to come home.
      -My mother hates when cat lies on our beds.
      -I lay[past form] on the grass and watched a plane fly overhead. 

Lay : 1. to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position,
       usually carefully or for a particular purpose.
       2. to prepare a plan or a method of doing something.
       3. (of an animal or bird) to produce eggs from out of the body.
       4. to risk something, usually money, on the result of an event.
       5. to have sex with someone.
       6. to express a claim, legal statement, etc. in a serious or official way.

       -shall I lay tray on the bed?
