Zimbabwe's traditional foods

Zimbabwe's traditional foods

I talked with my English teacher yesterday night.
he is living in Zimbabwe and I am living in Korea.

a few days a go, it was Korea's biggest holiday which is we call it "chu-seock"
It is similar with "Thanksgiving Day of United State"

We shared each others culture foods.

I showed him "song-phyeon" which is rick cake including crushed beans or sugar with mashed chestnuts and sesame seeds.
and I said "I am sick of it, because I had been eaten for nearly 30 years".
also it contains high calorie, For example four of it's calorie is same with one bowl of rice. 

He showed me two kinds of traditional foods.
first one was made by cow's stomach, they call it "tribe" I guess
(I can't remember now well)

and second one was... 'sadza'
He explained it, it can be made by corn(the white one)
so it is a cornmeal porridge

red one is beef meat with tomato source, if I want add spicy then I can do it.
It depends on cook(person)'s taste.
and the green one is fired vegetables.

there is a recipe (youtube)
now, if I want I can make it.


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