I ate "teol_lae_gi".

I ate "teol_lae_gi".

It was my first time to eat this food.

According to google searching result, it is one of traditional food of Goyang area.

I want to talk about "Teol_lae_gi"'s name.
It was originated from putting to soup a lot of vegetables, sources and noodles.

I was recommened to eat it from acquaintance.
so I tried eating. but honestly, it wasn't my taste.

It was just ... huge and hot...nothing special taste.

There was Dried shrimps for soup, Green onions, small and thin mushrooms, soy source (miso?) And potatoes. I usually do not like to eat soup of noodles. I couldn't like it.

If you are very hungry, then this food perfect for you.
Price is also reasonable or cheap!

but I don't want to eat again. :)

