writing practice

I love experience new things.
I will continue to studying and experience marketing and social networks.
In general, I love what I do.  일반적으로, 저는 제가 하는 일을 좋아합니다.

I get along well with -와 잘어울리다.
I get along well with people.
He used to get along well with his roommate but not anymore.

Koreans love kimch in general.
In general, Women likes colorful bag.
: fancy, gorgeous, splendid, razzle
showy(눈에 띄는, 허세부리는)
gaudy(저속한, 지나치게 장식한)
gilded(금도금, 금도금한)

Hi. My name sunseong-kwon. and I'm in my late(early/mid/late) 20s.
I'm a marketer. especially I'm good at planning new contents and take a photo,
usually I planning Social network contents like facebook, naver blog.
and create, upload.

I love to study. people may think I'm crazy. but I love expericing new things throgh books and real experience. So

I've been studying various things and will continue studying this and that.
그래서 저는 지금껏 다양한 것을 공부해왔고 계속 이것저것 공부할 것입니다.

I'm very much a people-person. 저는 사람들과 어울리는 것을 매우 좋아합니다.
I love to meet new people and communicate with them. I think I'm very socialbe and love to hang outh with different

people. I'm also very positive and outgoing. I guess that's why I can always get along well with people.
아마 그러한 성격 덕분에 늘 사람들과 잘 지내는 것 같습니다.

On the other hand, I live in yeon-sin-nae, which is about 20 minutes from downtown Seoul (by subway.)
다른 한편, 저는 연신내에 거주하는데, 서울 중심가로부터 20분정도 쩔어진 곳입니다.
I love this area. In general, I love my life.

out of curiosity 호기심에서
I signed up for the class out of curiosity.
저는 호기심에서 그 수업을 신청했습니다.

have nothing to do with -와 아무 상관없다
그 수업은 제 전공과는 아무 상관도 없었습니다.
The class had nothing to do with my major.
This problem has nothing to do with you.

observe 관찰하다, 목격하다
I was able to observe various paintings and clay art.
저는 다양한 페인팅과 점토 작품을 볼 수 있었습니다.
It is interesting to observe the habbit when people sleep.
사람들의 잠잘때 버릇을 관찰하는 것은 재미있는 일이다.

have its own story 그만의 사연이 있다
각각의 작품마다 사연이 있는듯 했습니다.
Each peice seemed to have its own story.
모든 노래에는 그만의 사연이 담겨 있다.
Every song has its own story.
모든 성공담에는 그만의 사연이 있기 마련이다.
Every success story has its own story.

reflect one's feeling -의 감정을 반영하다
색채가 어떻게 사람의 감정을 반영하는지 볼 수 있는 특별한 경험이었습니다.
It was special experience to see how color reflected people's feelings.
그의 어조에는 그의 감정이 실려 있었습니다.
His tone reflected his feelings.

I would like to talk about the art therapy class I took when I was a freshman.
저는 대학교 1학년때 들었던 미술 치료 수업에 대해 얘기해보겠습니다.
It was an elective course, and I signed up for the class out of curiouity.
교양 수업이었는데, 호기심으로 수강 신청을 했었습니다.

In fact, the class had nothing to do with my major. But, since I had been interested in the healing effects of art

therapy, I thoght it wold be nice to learn about it by taking the class. I read in some books that art therapy is

helpful to those who are emotinally scarred or disabled.
하지만 미술 치료의 효과에 대한 관심이 있어 왔기 때문에, 수업을 들어서 배우는게 좋을 것 같았어요. 몇 권의 책을 읽어보

니 미술 치료가 정서적으로 상처를 입었거나 신체적으로 장애를 얻은 사람들에게 도움이 되더군요.

however, I wasn't sure if it would really work by just drawing pictures and doing other creative activties. To find

out more about art therapy, we visited hospitals, nursing homes, and speical schools.
미술 치료에 대해 더 알아보기 위해, 우리는 병원과 양로원 및 특수학교를 방문했습니다.

At those places, I was able to observe various paintings and clay art done by childern and adults. Each piece seemed

to have its own story, and I felt something warm deep in my heart. It was a special experience to see how color

reflected people's feelings.

 In fact, the class related to my major, International Relations.
Since I had been interested in ____ , I though It would be nice to learn about it
by taking the class.

At these events, I was ablt to ____. It was a special exerperience to ___.
