The Benefits of Reading Every Day

new word>
easing tension
slow decline in brain power

Majorie>Grate job as always!
Continue with excellent work you are doing wonderful job.
Looking forward to our next class

Nina>I think maybe, we could die tomorrow. so I think we have to do something important and meaningfulthing "today".
I hope you'll healthier. see you :D and thank you, always.


The Benefits of Reading Every Day

ˈnuːmərəsmany; large in number
There are numerous books in this library.
hustle and bustle
ˈhʌsl ænd ˈbʌsla large amount of busy and noisy activity
I simply cannot stand the hustle and bustle of city life.
loosen up
Phrasal Verb
ˈluːsn ʌpto relax or unwind
Listen to this song, Jerry. It will help you loosen up before the match.
ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋmaking you feel more active
This technique has proved to be more stimulating than any other we've tried.
ɪkˈspoʊzmake someone experience new ideas, feelings, etc.
Video games expose children to violence at an early age.
look up
Phrasal Verb
lʊk ʌpto try to find a piece of information by looking in something, such as a book or a dictionary
I need to look that word up in a dictionary.


The Benefits of Reading Every Day
Numerous studies have shown that reading, even for pleasure, can make a huge difference in our lives. Some scientists say that reading every day can actually change the physical structure of the brain and protect it from diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Although the benefits of reading are many, here are some reasons you should start reading on a daily basis:

1. Stress Reduction
Many psychologists believe that reading is the best way to relax. It can be a healthy escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A well-written book or article can transport you to other realms and help you loosen up by lowering your heart rate and easing tension in your muscles.

2. Great Workout for Your Brain
Reading is more stimulating than, say, watching TV or listening to the radio because it requires the reader to be actively thinking, which is a great exercise for the mind. Studies have shown that active reading can slow decline in brain power and keep your memory sharp.

3. Vocabulary Expansion
The more you read, the more words you are exposed to. This will expand your mental dictionary. It is especially beneficial for non-native speakers as they can see words used in all sorts of different contexts and settings, which can be more valuable than looking up their definitions in a dictionary.

1.How does reading every day protect the brain, according to scientists?
2.How can a good book or article help you relax?
3.Why is reading more stimulating than watching TV or listening to the radio?
4.Why is reading especially beneficial for non-native speakers?

1.Do you read every day? Why? Why not?
2.Would you agree that reading is relaxing? Why? Why not?
3.Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Why?
4.What is your all-time favorite book? Why?
5.If you were to write a book, what would it be about? Why?

Further Discussion
1.Would you say that people read less nowadays than they did 50 years ago? Why do you think this is the case?
2.Do you think that books contain important life lessons? Why? Why not?
3.Do you prefer reading e-books or paper books? Why?
4.Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction? Why?
5.Literature is news that stays news. - Ezra Pound. Why do you think we often discover something new whenever we re-read a book?
