Opic topic about domestic contury

[오전 7:31:49] Teacher Liberty T: Liberty Takawira
[오전 7:31:58] Teacher Liberty T: UKraine
[오전 7:32:31] Teacher Liberty T: 2
[오전 7:34:13] Teacher Liberty T: Liberty Takawira
24 years old
Mechanical Engineering
Hobby = chess

You indicated in the survey that you like to travel.
Do you travel differently now than you used to? Talk about it.

ETC.- 준비과정, 여행물품목록, 여행지, 과거와 현재여행 패턴 비교 및 설명,
여행지의 선호도, 함께 여행가는 사람 등.

[오전 7:40:48] Nina: if take over was a good decision or not
[오전 7:41:25] Teacher Liberty T: Its hard to tell if the takeover was a good decision for the company
[오전 7:43:12] Teacher Liberty T: We are responsible for taking care of the cultural heritage from our ancestors
[오전 7:44:32] Teacher Liberty T: Itinerary = a planned route or journey.
[오전 7:45:18] Teacher Liberty T: My secretary planned an itinerary for the delegates
[오전 7:47:49] Nina: There was small arument during the ticketing process at the airport.
[오전 7:47:56] Teacher Liberty T: There was a  small argument during the ticketing process at the airport
[오전 7:48:37] Teacher Liberty T: its much easier to work together than work alone
[오전 7:57:12] *** 통화 종료, 통화시간 26:48 ***
[오전 7:57:32] Teacher Liberty T: Thank you once again Nina  it was nice to meet you  :) I really had great time speaking with you  , Have a good day  (sun) See you soon , bye (wave)
[오전 7:58:19] Nina: (rudolfidea) Thank you. oh, It was interesting. I don't know well about you, and your country. but I want to know more. and thank you for being my teacher today. Liberty. have a nice day, see you!

[오전 7:59:15] Teacher Liberty T: I will tell you more about my country next time we meet Nina. Thank you
[오전 7:59:41] Teacher Liberty T: https://www.google.com.ua/search?q=Victoria+falls&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5p6_SyYXYAhWlB5oKHXkNC3oQ_AUICigB
[오전 8:00:15] Nina: wow...! awesome
[오전 8:00:19] Nina: really cool
[오전 8:00:25] Teacher Liberty T: Check that link , its a very beautiful water fall in my country called Victoria FALLS


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