'Dirty Laundry' Has Nothing to Do With Clothes

uneven line 고르지않은 선

washing machine 세탁기

laundry 빨래

a place where people go to wash their clothes
Make sure to bring enough money when you go to the laundromat.

sɪˈlɛkt 발음주의 실렉트
to choose from a group
She's trying to select something nice to wear tonight.


Your 'Dirty Laundry' Has Nothing to Do With Clothes

For example, let’s say you carefully select the clothes you plan on wearing to work or a party.

Now, a “laundry list” is not a list of the things you need to wash. It is a very long list of related things. For example, if you have many small tasks to finish at work, you can say you have a laundry list of projects.

In conversation, dirty laundry is much more than dirty shirts and jeans. The expression “dirty laundry” means all those embarrassing things we don't want others to know about us or our families.


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