Writers Venture to Los Angeles in Pursuit of Dreams

Writers Venture to Los Angeles in Pursuit of Dreams

pursue a career

pərˈsuː ə kəˈrɪr
to work towards building a career
I'm hoping to pursue a career in finance.
I want to pursue a career in advertising.

feature film

ˈfiːtʃər fɪlma
full-length film
The new Wonder Woman movie is director Patty Jenkins' latest feature film.

Others are crafting poetry, works of journalism, memoirs or historical studies.
다른 사람들은 시, 기사, 회고록이나 역사적 연구를 공들여 만들고 있다.
memoirs = written memories of a certain person usually intersting things that happend to him during his life
Memoir definition, a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.

There are also places to relax and share ideas over coffee.
또한 휴식을 취하거나 커피를 마시며 아이디어를 공유하는 장소들도 있다.

Bolnick said she was trying to re-create the stimulating atmosphere that she enjoyed in her time as a student at Britain's Oxford University.
볼닉은 그녀가 영국 옥스포드 대학의 재학생이었던 시절에 좋아하던 그 고무적인(영감을 주는) 분위기를 재현하려고 했다고 말했다.


 1. What do you think about shared workspaces?

I think it will be good. Actually I have no experience about sharing workspace. so, I can just emagine. for example, writer and designer, also movie film maker, musician work together in the same place, it will be good. they can contribute each other own their ways.  
Why do you think many writers try to pursue their careers in Los Angeles?

I didn't go to Los Angeles. so I don't know the adventage of LA. In my opinion, many writers wants to get inspiration. so they choose the LA. because in LA, there are many artist. movie star, singer... etc.  
Do you think you'd be able to concentrate if you worked from home? Why? Why not?

I can't concentrate on my house. because I think I am extroverted person. I just need to somebody who don't interrupt me when I have to work. 
Do you often drink coffee while you're working? Why? Why not?

No. I rarely drink coffee. because I am very vulnerable to caffeine. When I drink coffee,  I will be too sensitive.  
Do you often have a hard time concentrating on a single task? Why? Why not?

I don't think so. I am a good single player. also I can work with other people too. I like both of them. 


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