Japan Celebrates Day Devoted to Sticky, Aromatic Cultured Soy Beans

Japan Celebrates Day Devoted to Sticky, Aromatic Cultured Soy Beans



Nuns choose to devote their lives to God.

polarize 미국식 [|poʊləraɪz] separate into sharply opposing groups, factions, etc.
양극화되다; 양극화를 초래하다

faction 미국·영국 [|fӕkʃn]
[명사] 파벌, 파당

controversy 미국식 [|kɑ:ntrəv3:rsi]
[명사] pl. -ies ~ (over/about/surrounding sb/sth) 논란

chemically change sugar into alcohol
Natto is fermented soybeans.

 type of plastic that is light and usually white
The box was full of styrofoam to keep the cups from breaking.

more appealing
1.You can change the name to be more appealing, if you like.
2.The software can choose from thousands of its stored word variations, creating more appealing lines to attract potential customers.
3.As discussed last week, proper use of hand gestures can make your speech much more appealing

culinary culture
[|kʌlɪneri] 요리문화
Every country has its own unique culinary tradition[culture].

odor 미국·영국 [óudər]
 냄새; ((특히)) 악취;
He has an unusual odor.

put off by 싫어하다, 망설이다
others are put off by the fermented food's strong odor and stickiness.
Don’t be put off by how it looks—it tastes delicious.
Don't be put off by the price
Don't be put off by what you've heard

strand 미국·영국 [strӕnd]
(실・전선・머리카락 등의) 가닥[올/줄]
a strand of wool
A key feature of natto are sticky strands that are sometimes difficult to deal with.

bait fish
미끼용 어류

beat 미국·영국 [bi:t]
] IN GAME | ~ sb (at sth) (게임・시합에서) 이기다 win, beat, defeat
 beat the summer heat


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